Highway and train  
Different forms exist of arriving to Uyuni, by means of highway from the city of The Peace, Oruro, Potosí. Also by means of the train that comes out from Oruro, Argentina, and Chile. 
The Mail  
The mail this located in the street goatherd, it fences to the central square, in the stop of buses departmental ínter, of there he/she can send their correspondence. 
Bolivia has in terms general good national and international services of communication, available through centers of calls. 
In Uyuni this available ENTEL that offers services of Internet and fax. From these centers of calls you can carry out local, national and international calls, apart from calls to cellular, in the streets he/she can find booths of Internet. 
The centers of calls are convenient and each booth has a screen that shows him as much as he/she goes spending (in Bolivian currency) while he/she speaks!!. Each center has a person that assists and that it can attend him in making their calls.
Local radio stations exist many, among the most important they are Radio XXIII Juan, I Radiate Mallku, Favorite Radio.  
Television channels are 7 local, and 40 available international channels by means of the Tv cable. 

The electric voltage in the whole country is of 220 V.  
The most important is the Hospital José Eduardo Pérez. The Medications can be acquired in different pharmacies by downtown. 
Civic security 
The streets in general are always calm; but past the 00:00 hrs. of the night he/she has much care when walking.